
Lazy #doglife

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IT winswitch

VNC to OSX – the fast and mature way with Remotix

I’ve been usingdiffernet VNC viewers to connect to OSX in the last years but now came accross Remotix by Nulana.

It solves some typical VNC problems which made VNC not really a productive alternative:

  • built in support for the Appe ScreenSharing encryption
  • pasteboard sharing (it acutally works smoothly)
  • Apple adaptive codec (it makes it really fast – feels like you are actually at the remote mac
  • lets you select to which monitor you want to connect (acutally the only vnc client I found so far which does this)
  • lets you lock the remote screen (no other vnc client does it)
  • automatically sets the correct keyboard layout (workin with an Apple keyboard on a win 10 now really works)
  • ssh tunnels
  • RDP (windows)
  • there are also Android /iOS Apps available – havent tried them yet.

Drawback:  its commercial license is for private use $39,99 and professional use $79,99.

I am giving a try the next 15 days – thats the freemium period.


#fortunaköln #südstadtliebe

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2Bgv9ps