
We do a relaunch tomorrow and I had some headaches with wordpress being slow on EC2

With our company mein-virtuellerassistent.com we were using a website we have built 6 years ago. Being the german market leader in the virtual private assistant soace, tomorrow is the german relaunch and rebranding to my-vpa.com. Besides many technical improvements under the hood (we`ve built a super sophisticated task management tool – I haven´t heard of something else coming near that, making it super easy to delegate tasks to outsourced resources) we are doing a website relaunch.

I´ve just been doing some performance tunings for the EC2 machine, the site is running on, and now found loader.io to do some performance-testing. For the moment (and the expected traffic) this looks somehow ok.


To the WordPress Amazon EC2 tuning part:

  • use Total Cache with worppress and MAKE SURE TO DEACTIVATE MINIFY (that causes and costs CPU power)
  • adapt apache prefork-conf to your machine size (for a t.3 this would be ok):


<IfModule prefork.c>
 StartServers       10
 MinSpareServers    10
 MaxSpareServers   10
 MaxClients       10
 MaxRequestsPerChild  4000
  • tune your mysql – there´s a proper preset coming with it (locate my-small.cnf) and mv my.cnf to my-old.cnf, mv my-small.cnf my.cnf, mysqld restart

So, keeping fingers crossed, the 301s from the old site will keep on carry valuable organic traffic to our site…