I´ve been to italy recently and on my journey I found out, that the best latte macchiato doesn´t come from there, but from my kitchen at home in cologne. Today I want to share my experience in making the best latte in the world („blitw“) with you all – because the sun is shining and I´m in a good mood 🙂
The first thing is,as always, you need GOOD tools. I found out, that all the handmixers out there are just crap. The best thing is to get the milk creamy by hot high pressured steam. A wonderful machine, I won in a tombola ten years ago, is the „Philips Espresso Duo„.
The second important thing is the coffee – I´ve found a very good one at our italian food store around the corner, and it´s called „Bei & Nanini“ in the flavour „Delicato“ – it is a quite strong espresso coffee, so that you don´t need too much of it in balance to the milk.
Ill take about 1 ct l water for the steam and the coffee and about 200 ml of fresh, cold milk for a glass of „blitw“. When you are steaming the milk it is important to move the tip of the steaming thing up and down in the glass, so that all of the milk is being steamed. After that you have to switch your machine from steam- to espresso mode, and the hot water will be pressed through the coffee. It all in all takes about 2 minutes – so it´s extremely fast. It´s very important to keep your machine clean – especially the parts which are soaped with milk.