
Ever need to write a businessplan?

Templates can be found here


Thoughts on picking your VC

This post by Jeff Nolan has some interesting thoughts on the relationship between investors and startups – and I agree, that the communication and interaction between the both parties has to come from the CEO – and it has to be a very strong one. Your investor should understand and LIKE the things you do – but his primary focus should be on the money – he should have a controlling function, deeply involved in running the business, making contacts, getting new ideas. . While building up a new technology my thoughts go around finding venture capital,too – and I see, that finding the right investor will be a hard job.


This new searchengine

seems to be really interesting: clusty, beta gives you stron results, and a result bar on the left hand – it really fitted the results when I was typing in my name, giving links to friends of mine, and comments I made in several weblogs. Nice tool…