
Trust in Business

Well, thanks Oliver for this nice article on fastcompany that fits so well in the current discussions around the corporate use of blogs, and the trust into companies. As I´ve experienced from my own companies, the possibility to invite your customers into your companies structures and make your (their) projects transparent, becomes more and more important. Since we`ve established bascamp as project-management-tool last week, our customers are very happy and thankful for the „view inside of us.“ Basecamp let´s you manage your Todos, define Milestones, send messages around your team, comment on them, and stay informed of all that by using RSS-Feeds. Our customers become read- and sometimes writepermissions in order to post new ToDos and comment on what we´ve done . So you can see it almost as a kind of blog. Let´s see, how future customers will react on that, and if this technique might give us a head advance of our competitors 😉 P.S. Thanks Oliver for the suggestion to use Basecamp. Your are the best geek 😉

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