Last summer I was looking for some new sports, helping me to get fitter again, as biking and running got a bit boring by the time.
I then stumbled upon freeletics and I have been sticking with it ever since.
What got me in the beginning were not the fancy „transformation videos“ one can find here and there on the net, but the simplicity of the exercises: sit ups and „burpees“ are nothing fancy new, but they managed to build a good looking and efficient package they are calling Helios or Dione and like other greek gods.
Since then I really have to say that I got a _lot_ fitter and that it still is fun to plan your day around the exercises. For me it’s the „i don’t want to, but I will“ – motivation part, that gets me going with it.
Interesting enough, the founders of freeletics have now more time to concentrate on their fitness, as they’ve successfully retired. Funny: they started off selling PDF for exorbitant prices – and so financed their first app. The rest is history…