motionet is getting a year now, and it’s really great to see al these cool apps evolving we have developed and all the great projects we’ve done with our team. Unfortunately there’s always too few time to write about all the details, but yesterday was a really crazy day. It’s not always like that, but let me introduce to you my start in the week yesterday:
7:30: Gettin up, driving to Dusseldorf
9:00: Checking Emails, doing some planning/scheduling for the week
10:00: Discard an employee
10:30: Preparing PPT for a presentation on friday
12:00: Business Lunch at the korean restaurant, strategic evolvement of an employee
13:00: Developing mathematical solutions for a project, together with an university
14:00: job interview with a developer from Ukraine (unbelievable guy)
15:30: hiring him 😉
16:00: Email stuff, Projectmanagement in one of our key projects
19:00: Business dinner in one of the finest italian restaurants in dusseldorf, with some Saudi-guys for a huge project in middle-east
24:00: Going to bed, exhausted, but full of excitement
This was not a normal day, but it’s just great fun and satisfying, being able to do such a great work 😉