As reports, morgan freeman is going to release his new movie same time in cinema and as a streaming in the internet. Well, in my opinion it`s the first step of a new internet evolution. to buy superbowl
As reports, the organization you might have heard of „“ (which has just finished it`s „president in 30 second“ -campaign against the reelection of Mr. Bush). is going to buy the superbowl. It would be the first time that a political advocacy group would advertise in the Big Game!
Power of the Internet
As reports, was able to make a MTV-Superstar in less than two month! I tink it`s quite astonishing, how the right marketing-mix is able to push it? Or is it rather frightening…?
Wow! To protect users against the SCO, who announces copyright to the linux-unix sourcecode, major global-players have raised a fund to pay the fees – isn´t that a good sign for the power of open source? Read it at!
Are you creative?
Design sells ?!
As reports, HP will produce Apple`s iPOD in license. In my opinion HP is going to make a new market: the digital living-room. But maybe it`s even the beginning of a powerfull alliance: imagine HP side by side with Apple, building HP-Servers working with Mac OS X?! Quite funny…
Mr Dick Tater emerges from hole! This is how art gets its own point of view of the world politics…
The best company to work for in 2003
Socialist entrepreneurs
Do you sometimes wonder, if socialism and capitalism are just two sides of a medal? Like black and white, milk and sugar, Real and Athletico? Read this article and find out about great businessmen being godfathers of socialism.
„Fischer for superstar“
Very interesting: just two days ago my girlfriend and I thought about upcoming TV-Formats. As The „POP-Superstar“ wave has been in 2003, the „Politician-Superstar“ wave might come up in 2004 – and guess what? HERE IT DOES!