
Tune your feed…

Well, feedburner.com (in pre-alpha release) is a nice tool to tune your feed: insert your blog feed, and get a „feedburner-alias-feed“ with the possibility to make it suitable for nearly every newsaggretor to read, shrink it for mobile use, or get a lot statistics around new visitors, subscriptions, etc…very nice for all you marketers 😉


How to slow down…

…chinese economy? Ask Fons Tuinstra from Shanghai!


PR in internet-times…

This is a wonderfull wiki about PRF in times of weblogs, RSS, and the internet in whole. Get in depth with interviews of Ross Mayfield, the president of Socialtext, Steve Rubel (Micro-Persuasion), Jay Rosen (PressThink) and Dan Gillmor (San Jose Mercury News) why they blog, and with which consequences…